Future Experiments in Particle and Nuclear Physics
Astrophysical Instrumentation for ICTS, ESFRI Projects in Astronomy, and Space Missions
Gravitational Wave Experiments and Multi-Messenger Astronomy
Large Astronomical Surveys
Direct Searches for Dark Matter
Neutrino Physics
Space Exploration with Small Satellites
Computing, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence
Latest results, progress and events of the Complementary Plan for Astrophysics and High Energy Physics
The first meeting of the Planes Complementarios AstroHEP will be held and take place in Zaragoza, from 5 to 7 June 2024.
Status and progress of the different research lines will be discussed.
The deadline for registration and abstract submission is May 8th.
More information and regustration on the indico page: https://indico.capa.unizar.es/event/36/
Contact: astrohep24@unizar.es