Lines of Action

Summary of the program's lines of action in terms of objectives, participants, actions to be taken, and expected results.

Line of Action 1

Development of cutting-edge instrumentation for future experiments in Particle and Nuclear Physics

The primary objectives of this line of action are to develop the necessary technologies for the construction of detectors for the future, consolidate the capabilities and coordination among the involved Spanish groups, and engage with the industrial sector interested in developing these technologies.

Line of Action 2

Development of cutting-edge astrophysical instrumentation for ICTS, ESFRI projects in astronomy, and space missions

This line includes the development of state-of-the-art instrumentation for ICTS, ESFRI projects in astronomy, and space missions of astrophysical interest, ensuring leadership and high international visibility. These developments will be carried out with the participation of the Spanish industry, contributing to enhancing its innovation capabilities and international competitiveness.

Line of Action 3

Gravitational wave experiments and multi-messenger astronomy

The objectives of this line include aspects of instrumentation, computing, and scientific data analysis methodologies for terrestrial and space-based gravitational wave experiments, as well as the combination with data from telescopes in different electromagnetic spectrum frequencies and neutrino telescopes (multi-messenger astrophysics).

Line of Action 4

Large astronomical surveys

Currently, large international experiments are in various stages of development, managed and scientifically exploited by large international collaborations in which Spain leads and/or actively participates. The goal of this line is to support those large astronomical surveys with strong Spanish involvement in critical and essential aspects for their success and national leadership.

Line of Action 5

Direct searches for dark matter

The goal of this line is to carry out a series of experimental, technological development, and phenomenological actions for the direct detection of dark matter over a wide range of masses, from the μeV axion to the 100 GeV WIMP. Much of the experimental activity in this LIA is carried out at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC), a reference ICTS in the field of particle astrophysics.

Line of Action 6

Neutrino physics

Neutrinos are the only particles that irrefutably prove that the current theoretical framework to describe the fundamental laws of nature is incomplete. Spain participates in three complementary international experiments for the study of neutrinos: DUNE, Next, and KM3NeT. The objectives of this line of action are to contribute to the design, construction, and future operation of these detectors, and to develop state-of-the-art photodetector technologies. Consolidating the capabilities and coordination among the involved Spanish groups and engaging with the industrial sector interested in developing these technologies are also objectives of this line.

Line of Action 7

Space exploration with small satellites

The use of small satellites for astrophysics and planetary sciences is still in its early stages, but it has great potential for conducting cutting-edge research and generating know-how in the local industry. This line of action focuses on developing key subsystems for small satellites as part of the Spanish contribution to the ESA Comet Interceptor mission and developing a complete space mission based on a Cubesat platform.

Line of Action 8

Computing, big data, and artificial intelligence

The objectives of this line of action are to enhance the computing capabilities of the Spanish scientific community in Astrophysics and High-Energy Physics, both by providing new computer equipment and by consolidating the existing human teams for their operation; making the most of the current capabilities of existing big data analysis infrastructures, expanding their capacity and ambition until Spain has a unique multi-messenger astronomy data hub in Europe; and achieving a critical mass of researchers developing artificial intelligence and data mining algorithms in this field, with transfer possibilities to the productive sector.