Future Experiments in Particle and Nuclear Physics
Astrophysical Instrumentation for ICTS, ESFRI Projects in Astronomy, and Space Missions
Gravitational Wave Experiments and Multi-Messenger Astronomy
Large Astronomical Surveys
Direct Searches for Dark Matter
Neutrino Physics
Space Exploration with Small Satellites
Computing, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence
Summary of program lines of action in terms of objectives, participants, actions to be carried out, and expected results.
Line of Action 8
The objectives of this line of action are to enhance the computational capabilities of the Spanish scientific community in Astrophysics and High-Energy Physics, both by providing new computer equipment and consolidating existing human teams for their operation. It aims to make the most of the current capabilities of existing big data analysis infrastructures, expanding their capacity and ambition until Spain has a unique multi-messenger astronomy data hub in Europe. This line also aims to achieve a critical mass of researchers developing artificial intelligence and data mining algorithms in this field, with potential for transfer to the productive sector.
The scientific communities that participate in this line of action are: